
“California Coaching Collaborative launched me into a new level of personal freedom that surprised even me. At one point during the course, I started to doubt if I had what it took to be a successful lifestyle coach. Jeff quickly followed up with me on my doubts and shortly afterward I experienced a personal shift and an upgrade in my thoughts with regard to my personal value. Signing up for C3’s lifestyle coaching course was one of the best choices that I have made. If lifestyle coaching is of interest to you, I highly recommend this course. I believe that like me, you will graduate a changed person even if you're already amazing!”



“Being in the ‘counseling’ realm before, I was under the misconception that we would be using very similar tools for coaching. I was wrong! It is a new way to think! Thankfully with all the teaching of the materials and then the peer coaching and the Master coaching involved, by the time we were certified, I felt ready to fly! I actually landed my first client before we even completed the course and have been steadily building my business ever since.”



“I became certified as a life coach in 2019 through California Coaching Collaborative. My passion has always been to help and develop people. As a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ I found myself counseling and guiding people. I realized that I was giving them fish but not teaching them HOW to fish. Coaching has given me a platform to empower people to take back the reins of their lives, see measurable progress, and significant movement. I just launched my online coaching business! I am using social media to create an awareness of the need for coaches. There is a great need for mentors in our lives and many benefits of walking in the company of people who see the gold in us and believe in our success in life. C3 offers all of these things and more! I highly recommend this course to anyone.”

— BRYAN IBARRA, Mexico City, Mexico


“Being a part of a program that is empowering and life giving was definitely what I needed. The interaction with our class was real and authentic. The vulnerability displayed was beyond words. Whenever one of us spoke, it was always an invitation to know them even deeper.

The feedback was so empowering. It really built up a confidence within me and my ability to coach. There was so much belief happening on the call. Something totally shifted in me.  Even as a graduate of C3, I still get to be a part of the program being with the current class or masterclasses offered to those who have graduated.”