Living From center


What is it

The Living from Center e-course is a 4 transformational process to personal mastery and excellence. This self-paced course covers 3 main areas that we like to describe as; The Problem, The Process, and The Practice. You will be equipped with tools for Self-Awareness, Abundance Based Thinking, and Living From Your Authentic Self.
Our hope is that during this course you will gather and use these tools to discover who you are and how you can be the best version of yourself in this world.

the purpose

Research shows that individuals approach the topic of change and movement toward fulfillment and prosperity in one of two ways. There are those who believe they have no control over exterior conditions and are not able to influence or affect change. On the other end of the spectrum, there are those who believe they can change and control most aspects of their own environment.
This second group has a strong understanding that they can dramatically influence their personal world through their actions. The first group will be driven by circumstances and not by choices. The second group will live a more dynamic and forward-driven life. The bottom line is, the more influence you believe you have, the more things in your life you will try to influence, and the more success you will sustain.


The Problem

When we lack personal self-mastery, we are often not aware of what sabotages our forward momentum in life. We become driven by circumstances and not by choices. In weeks two and three we uncover “the problem” in our lives that keep us from personal mastery.

There is “stuff” hiding at the bottom of our hearts and it has the ability to move us forward, or it can hold us back if we don’t deal with it. Understand how crisis seasons are often catalytic in ushering into a process that leads you to stepping into more wholehearted living. In weeks four and five we learn how to work through the process in our heads and hearts in order to think differently, so we can move forward towards a more whole life.


The Process


The practice

Clarity and visualization of what matters most to you will create a lifestyle of sustainable passion. Developing and maintaining a plan for a fulfilling and prosperous future can be one of the most richly rewarding activities in life. You will learn to practice vulnerability, ownership, and consistency so that you can bring the most value to yourself and the world around you.

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